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During the months of September and October the UNC Biobehavioral Lab (BBL) hosted a seminar series on “Integrating Genomics and Transcriptomics into Nursing Behavioral & Health Sciences Research”. The two-session workshop were led by Field Application Scientists from Thermo Fisher Scientific.

About 40 attendees participated in the sessions, that concentrated on basic concepts and applications of DNA and RNA technologies available to UNC investigators at the BBL. This included purification of nucleic acids, genotyping, SNPs analysis, DNA methylation, copy number variation analysis, microRNAs, telomere length analysis, and biomarkers discovery.

The sessions were recorded and are available at the following links:

Additional resources were provided and available online through the following links:

Faculty and students interested in conducting DNA/RNA based projects can set up a consultation with Dr. Patricia Silveyra, BBL Director, at or call 919.966.7598


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